Join our Smash Roster at GOML!
1 winner
Round Started
Voting Started
Round Ended
Help Get Europe's #1 Sheik Max to GOML 2024
Salt X Nouns
Help get the 2nd-best solo-Sheik main in the world to GOML!
S2J } NOUNS } GOML 2024
Bbatts Bargains for Bucks ?
Poww @ GOML!
Long time smash-pfgc personality here.I want to attend GOML as a player, BUT preferably for Nickelodeon All Star Brawl 2. NASB 2 is a really fun game that I've been playing since it's first day of release, featuring some key mechanics and principles of Smash Melee. I've been grinding so hard to become the best El Tigre player I can be, and a chance to join Nouns for GOML would be a huge jump in my road doing so. Plus, it might make for some good videos for my YouTube channel.
Nicki at GOML!!!!
My name is Nicki, I am one of the best players in Europe and one of the best Ice Climbers players in the world. I went to Collision 2024 as my first US major in more than 2 years and beat multiple top 50 players. I also lost a game 5, last stock set to Zain, and I'd love to get another shot since I know exactly how I could have won that set. I want to show the Melee community how much more I can do, and what cool stuff I've found with my character that no other person in the world is doing!
modern artist ssbm MASTER fighter "PROF" will do WHATEVER IT TAKES
Help Jake get to GOML!
Help get Psysilex to GOML!